Gawai Dayak is a festival thats celebrated annually by the people of West Kalimantan Indonesia and Sarawak Malaysia on June 1st and June 2nd. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI Kamus versi onlinedaring dalam jaringan. Gawai Greetings 2010 Harvest Festival Festival E Greetings It is a public holiday in Sarawak and is both a religious and a social occasion recognised since 1957. . Gadget adalah suatu peranti atau instrumen yang memiliki tujuan dan fungsi praktis yang secara spesifik dirancang lebih canggih dibandingkan dengan teknologi yang diciptakan sebelumnya. However for East Malaysians the Harvest Festival which lands squarely in the middle of the year is one of the biggest festivals celebrated full of good fun cheer and rice wine. Gawainガウェイン is one of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse. Gawai berasal dari padanan kata gadget. Many have moved into towns or villages away from their native homes in the jungle. Pengertian ...